Tuesday, September 27, 2005

At work tonight I was taking a look around me at the people I serve and work with.
And a thought occured to me "what make's these people want to wake up in the morning?"
What makes them want to go from one day to the next, hoping that things will get better?
As a human race, I would have to say, we are pretty sad group of individuals, we work in order to live, what with gas prices always on the rise, new things to buy. Round and round the days seems to go.
Not only that, but we all seem to think that we have our own style, in order to have that however, we would have to create something that has never been done before, but who's to say that it hasn't been done or thought of in years past.
We all want to be looked at, thought of as someone special.
Looked upon and admired, trying to stand out, some a bit more then others.
We wake up each and every morning, to the same things maybe with a little twist.
But to think that life is meaningless, just a chasing after the wind with nothing in the end, was a little sad for me to think that this is how some people chose to go through life.
It made me happy that in God I have a hope and a future, and sad at the same time that so many people would push Him away.
He promised us heaven, and yet people would rather not chose this because He gets in the way of the here and now, if only they knew how short this all is in the period of eternity.
Anyhow, I just thought, if I could somehow set myself apart in a way that would make me in this world and not of it. Meaning by not conforming to what the world says is the way to live, and to make myself open to be different and not care how others may view me, even losing out on some good times once in awhile.
Maybe, just maybe I would find the true me, the person that God made me to be. Not what my friends made me, my parents, the people that come into my life each day, with me changing how I act, who I am with each different group.
I could start to accept all the hidden things about this shell of a person I have become, and work to be the best Christian I can become.
I wrote this a couple years back as I was having another day just like this:


what is "beauty" other then a fabricated lie
the world tells itself to get by,
you need this makeup,
wear these clothes,
weigh this much,
have polished toes.
Don't sit forward, stand up stright.
Don't die single, date, date, Date!
Have at least one tattoo,
but just one pericing will not do.
What is "beauty" other then a fabricated lie,
the world tells itself to get by.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Superjan said...

are you judging me because i have more than one piercing? ha. just kidding.
interesting though. have you been reading ecclesiastes lately?
see you soon chickey
love janet


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