Thursday, September 29, 2005

Insert Foot

In this last year I have developed this problem which I like to call foot in mouth disorder .
It's were I'm talking to someone and before I know it, I've got my foot in my mouth.
At first it started out only as a problem with this guy I like. Who for the last year {or maybe a bit more} knows that I exsist, but the knowlege of my interest is unknown.
Now I could go about this a couple of different ways:

1) Tell Him that I like him, only to find my foot in my mouth once again.

2) Hope that he will return my feelings, take the man roll and just ask me out already!

3)Die an old maid, or move on

4) Well I don't really have a number four

I can talk to just about anyone ( it's part of my job, I have too) but with this guy I just get to the point that I say something stupid or just walk away before I'm even done talking. Foolish, I know!
But it's only with him or so I thought.
The other day at work, I'm talking with two people I work with, whom I have become good friends with over time. One asked the other what happend with her baby's father, why he was no longer in the picture. Well jumping in just to be stupid { this is were I insert foot} I say, " she killed him". Truth of the matter, as it turns out, he died in a car crash, just before their daughter was born.
You could not believe horror I felt, at how insensitive I had been.
I didn't know! but still, I thought they had just broken up, moved on as most people do these days.
To know that my foolishness could hurt someone I never want to do.
It's a good thing she knows me and my silly banter, and that she is now with a really great guy, she says she might never of met otherwise.
It could have been a lot worse, I just have to thank God that it wasn't.
Now, if only I could keep my mouth closed and feet on the ground, but I'll just save it for my New Year's Eve goal.

note: if there is bad spelling I'm sorry
note: if you are reading this only to correct my spelling, I hope you are having fun.
note: I most likely am doing I same thing to you.


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Superjan said...

i think i saw atleast three spelling mistakes. i'll have to go back and double check

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Superjan said...

well, counting errors in grammar, you have four mistakes. i should be an editor. ha
by the way is that story about your co-worker's husband dying a real story?(or did you make it up to illustrate the fact you do indeed have 'foot in mouth' disorder?)
I think I will blog on this disorder of yours, from my perspective. I won't be so illusive as to your comments or the identity of your love interest...teehee

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Keller said...

I won't count the grammatical or spelling errors. Interesting phenomenon, this foot-in-mouth is. I've had a few bad bouts myself. Good blogging Joy... i'll talk to you later.


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