Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lost in Translation

Where do I begin? Tonight at work I was talking with this nice Man ( about 60) named Harold.

For the last two years he has been living here in Cold Lake working. He lives at the Lake Land Inn, has nothing but a little room the company pays for. The people he works with are all much younger ( he's more like their boss), so he has no one to go out and have a good time with. Each night, sometimes lunch Harold comes in just to talk and have something warm to eat, his wive lives somewhere eles... Well this is what I'll be touching on.

Harold is just over all a great man!

Most nights after work I sit down and talk to Harold for a bit, we have talked about Religion, Government, jobs, family... and so on.

Tonight however, he was a little down and lonely, tired of his job and missing his wife. For all of their married life he has had jobs away from home, just to make the money they needed. His wife always had a chance to come with him on these jobs because they last for years at a time. He has asked her to move with him but she won't, he told me tonight this has hurt him for years and now he has just given up asking. "She can have the best of both worlds this way, married and single".

It just hurts me to think, all this man wants, is for the wife he is working to feed and take care of, to be with him well doing so. And she can't love him enough to say bye to her friends pack up and move every four or five years. Four years! Some women move up to five times or more in one year. Harolds a great guy and has been married about 25 or so years, missing his kids growing up and working jobs he didn't always like. Yes, he could quit to and be with her, yet he feels she would push him away.

Where is the commitment with people today? To death do us part? Or you move somewhere I don't want to go. Somewhere along the line in their marriage the communication got lost in the translation. So please pray for him..


At 9:56 PM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

Sounds tough. We know alot of families here in Sylvan too where the man works away for days, even weeks at a time. I don't know if I could handle it! Hopefully Harold and his wife can finally decide to live together somehow...even after all this time. T.


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