Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Never could be a therapist

Tonight I had a call to go for coffee ( at work that is ) with some of the girls getting off shift. There is this one person I work with, that was so down ( I could never be a therapist, I hurt when they tell me things they are having to go through).
So I get her talking, I don't even know where to begin typing.... Some months ago now she was charged with assault, she and her boyfriend ( I also worked with at one point) had gotten into a fight at the bar (both had been drinking). She had gotten too out of hand and smashed a beer bottle into his face.
From his side of the story, I took it that she was this bad, crazy mean girl, but lately I'm not so sure.
Anyhow the cops were the ones to charge her and she is now facing two years in jail.
Now here is the part that gets me all mad, he calls her at all hours of the night ( but the cops said she can't talk to him) he says one thing ( to me or others, I try not to talk with him) and then I hear lies and stories he tells to her of what we said, trying to hurt her or make her mad at us, and I don't hear from her what he has lied about, but from other people I work with ( All of this by they way I have never tried to be a part of... other then asking her how she was tonight).
He even came in tonight and joined us, because he called ahead to see if she was working. AAHHHH! ( frustrated)
Now in my head, if someone put a beer bottle in my face I would walk a mile to get away from them, not call to find out if they were off work, so I can hang out.
She told me she would end it all tonight if she could, just to stop the on going nightmares, I see her at work so tired some days, from trials.. his calls...ect.
What could I say to that... I just told her I love her and it would hurt to no end if I knew she was going to do such a thing and I had no way to help her. I told her it would end here but then what?
I went on to talk about God's love and sins being washed away , because she had said with all she's done, she's going to hell if she took her life or not, because she couldn't now be forgiven for her past. ( I didn't say all of what I said to her in these words, it sounds kinda cheesy the way I'm typing)
I'm not saying in anyway what she did was right.... But with him I might have done the same thing.. I don't know what went on to lead into the whole mess. But who I'm I to judge either of them, I just know she's hurting and I can't get the fear from my mind of what she could do to herself.
I gave her my number and told her if she wanted to ever talk more, to give me a call and I would take her for coffee, we didn't have a long talk because others joined us, I just pray God will give me a chance to talk more about Him with her.
Why I'm typing this? because I need you to pray for her, that this so called lost sheep can find her way into her masters arms.
Please!.. Pray.. pray.. pray!
I am thankful I could talk some with her, and she made me see even my bad days are nothing to what others go through. To them my bad day are their good ones.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. -Romans 3:23

Note: Sorry I have no spell check


At 8:06 AM, Blogger shinbone #4 said...

ohhh Joy, of course, pray we must! Love you...

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a call this morning asking me to work, Amber is in hospital. Thats all I know but it hurts when I know I could have done something last night to help her.


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