Thursday, October 05, 2006


For those of you who think me to be some what smart, do not read on...

Tonight some friends of mine were teasing me about my ablity to flirt or lack there of. They told me I have three style's of flirting.

1) A cute guys looks over at me and I will either

a) frown
b) look away and act not interested
c) stare back with a blank look on my face
d) and once in a blue moon ( if he is close enough) say "HI!" in an overly friendly voice

2) I will be overly friendly and flirty

a) put my foot in my mouth
b) not stop talking

and number...
3) If the guy shows any interest.. I stop the conversation before he can get to the asking me out part.

Now I serve three different hot men whom I have come to know as ... Mr. Ice tea (for he always drinks ice tea) , Mr. Z ( from New Zealand... I can't spell) and Hot Curtis from ford ( I only know his name because he gave it to me the first time we met.
I guess I have four problems this being my main one. Now I can talk to all these guys ( I think ok and people would say otherwise) but my big problem is I don't ask the everyday questions most girls would ask.
I can ask them where they work, what sports they like, where they moved from, why they came to Cold Lake... but things like whats your name, how old are you? ( ones they ask me however, I don't ask in return)

Mr. Ice tea -I have served for nine months and each time he gets me to be his waitress, ( he even tiped me once when I wasn't even serving him!) He came in alone for the longest time and then he started to bring in a friend with him after four months ( mr. pepsi), it took his friend to introduce themselvesto me, for he said it was time I knew their real names and not just to go by drinks ( of couse I had told them what I had nicknamed them hoping they would tell me... it took a month) he goes on to tell me it was Mr. Ice tea's birthday the next day... you would think I would ask him ..."How old are you turning?".. but not this girl, I say " Well I hope you have a great day and you don't have to work". They tell me another time that they went looking for me in the bar one night, "Oh, I don't go to the bar.. maybe thats why you couldn't find me", " but you work in one", "Well then you went to the wrong place". What is wrong with me!!! Mr. Pepsi even tells me when Mr. Ice Tea is out of town without me asking.

Curtis from ford: ( I have talk to off and on since July, when he comes in for pick up) I go to get my car fix ( at ford of course) and he comes over to talk to me, then has to go after ten min. to finish a deal with this older man. A little later he came looking for me and asks if we can talk, I say " yes" and after only a minute after he asks my age (I tell him) and right away my car comes up, I say " Oh there's my car, got to go " and walk away, even though I had nothing to do that day.(?)

Mr.Z- I walking past him and he is on the phone.. smiles at me and whispers "hi" I say hi and walk on, a little bit later I am taking water to fill up a tables drinks and as I walk by again he asks to have a top up. ( he had less then an inch of water out of his glass) He starts to talk to me, and somehow we get on the conversation of travel and where I have been and he has been. Then he asks how old I am and says I must be ready to find a man and settle down. His food comes and I say I should let him eat and walk away. ( I was told later on, I should have said yes as if he was asking me to marry him, or ask if it was an offer, when he said I must be ready to settle down. That would have been funny or cute... but not this girl)

Drama, Drama, Drama!!

there you go mrs. glubish


At 5:35 AM, Blogger j.sawatzky said...

I think you handled all of the men with a lot of grace. You are a good woman, and because of your restraint, you'll meet a good man. Keep up the good work!

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting...I wish I had some advice for you, but it has been a long time since I was "available" and my advice might sound like it came out of an etiquette book, so I won't bother even trying to make anything up. Thanks for entertaining an old lady. You made my day. ha!

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Joy, it's these things about you that make you so endearing to all of us...glad to see you ya!

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Superjan said...

dang joy, with all that drama, its no wonder you're still in cold lake, your life sounds so exciting!!!

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Mag I think you should write a book on dating.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Swoosh said...

Ah, Joy. The saga continues. . .

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Superjan said...

we need more stories...i know you have some!!!

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Swoosh said...

I concur! More stories!

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

more stories, more stories, more you recognize the chant?!!

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! I might be going to Edmonton to meet my cousins friend she wants to hook me up with. I'll give you more stories in two weeks.

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok I guess we can wait.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Haha... Joy, it's amazing how graceful you are in those situations. Especially with your lovely words and impecable timing.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRUP! OH I think I just puked in my mouth a bit. My name is Mr. Handsome and I'm 23 years old, did I mention I was super hot... because that IS all that matters.
And I heard guys are shallow


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