Thursday, December 08, 2005

Old Men, why?

I have to say my luck with men is bad, but lately it just seems to be getting worse.
I never have had men under the age of fourty hit on me and they seem to be getting older and older as the days go by. I had one old guy ( around 70) two nights ago say to me he'd pay the bill and his wife would join another table. Then he adds since his wife will be busy for the next hour would I like to go home with him.
Then another day I have a group of guys all in their 50's hitting on me. Now I don't mind a guy a bit older, but this is getting too old and the older they are the dirtier they seem to be. If I wanted old I would scope out the old folks home here in Cold Lake.
Another thing I don't understand is, why the older men seem to be so dirty? I thought back in there day they were gentlemen? What happend? What is it about me that says, old men over 50 come hither?
That is all...


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Superjan said...

but I thought you were proud of being an old should be ecstatic right now!

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I think Joy is oblivious to her own powers of if only this power could somehow be harnessed and used for the greater good!

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greater Good? And yes Janet I like them to be older, but I don't want my parents to be younger then the guy I date. I'm more the 30's or younger type of old. ( Brad Pitt is another matter however)
Maybe I just have to use my power of suduction, toward being single and then I'll be wanted by all ages. Men seem to want what they can't have, right?

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have all the luck? I don't think so, Aaron you're getting ALL THE HOT STRONG PRISON GUARDS. I'm so jealous!

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mean that to sound so sick. Ok maybe I did but it's only because I'm jealous of you, I wish my jobs had prison guards and young sailors all around me.
I also think it's funny how I write prison guards and you correctional officers. Are they not the same thing? potato,potato.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I could think of all those people all rolled up together, it would just be one big mess.
It also sounds like one tasty dish with just a dash of social worker. Aaron's Christmas recipe, you could call it.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must just interject... I kinda do like dried old fruit pieces... with nuts.
No I'm not being perverted you are, for thinking I am...
Thank you goodevening and goodnight.


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