Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I finally get it

It has taken me year to get to this thought, I finally understand what the problem is with wanting to be married but why so many of us are staying single. Ready.. here it is, we're too picky. Now I know that being picky is a good thing but too often we vote out all our own ideas as well. In our minds we stay with what we know, but when the person comes along that matches our ideas we find all the little faults with them. I know that I have made up in my mind, this perfect person that no human can ever stand up beside, we're human we all have faults but in your head this person that we want to marry is perfect. Never one to have a fight with, laughs at all our jokes, thinks we're wonderful all the time, wants to do everything we like. Ha! Looking at any marriage can tell me otherwise. The guy won't get up in the morning looking his best, the woman won't have her hair and makeup done, there will be things we fight about. It's not bad to have standards or things to look for, I just find that so many single people I know are single because they don't give chances to the people around, the people God brings into our lives. I hear from people all the time ' Joy, you need to move away to find a guy' that might be true, it could also be God can bring the guy to Cold Lake. It has to be His timing, but we also have to be open to what He may bring. I find I tend to like guys who I know will never like me back... safety. That way I'll never be rejected by them, I won't find I don't match up to this perfect ten that they are looking for. And when I find that a guy likes me, I start to look for his faults, something must be wrong with him! This is what has been coming to my mind lately, that I have to be open to God whether someone comes into my life or not. In all things be ready! And not to push people away just because they are not my perfect ten.
Note:You may agree or not agree, this is just something God has been telling me.
Note: By now you must know I have trouble spelling, It's just something I'm not perfect at.


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