Thursday, January 12, 2006

22 or really 102

Two days ago at work I was having really bad pain in my left foot, then yesterday it seems to be getting worse. I have this other waitress willing to work for me for today (her day off) and they tell us both ' Joy will still have to come into work, we now need the both of you.' I was so mad! I have went to work with a hurt wrist, been really sick and other people call in saying they have no clean cloths and get the day off!
Anyhow, the one willing to work for me says 'Go and get the doctor to look at it and get a doctor's note'. Now I hate going to the hospital for myself (the last time a went I was 18 for x-rays) , so I wasn't going to go, then this one manager ( same as top, not the birthday) says to me ' Joy even with a doctors note I need you to come in'... What!
Now if my foot is that bad that a doctor would write me up, you would think I would get the time off. Good workers they treat like dog poo.
So I went to the hospital, one hour in the waiting room and another two in another room. I was ready to go after an hour and a half, I still had to get to work ( I had money still from the morning I had to put in) so many people there needed help and I just had a sore foot.
The doctor finally came (I'm thinking he's just going to laugh in my face) you know what he tells me...... I have Arthritis! I have to get a week off of work and take pills to get the swelling to go down. The first thought that came to my head was am I 22 or 102? Arthritis?.... My age?...
Well, I know now why my foot hurt so much.

Note: As I write this I'm still ready for them to call me into work, not that I will go.


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Well, Joy--guess you better buy a cane! That's unbelievable that it's arthritis...hope you can get the swelling down. If you want some suggestions for vitamins and such to help, feel free to ask. I can't believe that they would ask you to work even if you have a doctor's note--seems pretty shady to me. Hope you have a better day today. Love ya!

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Kelly, Its funny I always wanted to be older but I never thought about getting the side effects a young as my 20's.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Hey Joy, know what? I had arthritis in my foot when I was 16. I feel your pain and it sucks. Watch the change in weather, it starts to hurt more. Mine on sunny days, other peoples' on cloudy i think.

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joy, you're one step closer to having the blue hair and sitting with me on our front porch. After all, we have the knitting down . . .
I'm annoyed that they take advantage of you so much at work. You need to find a nice desk job somewhere . . . :)

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I could sit down that much in a day, I'm going loco just sitting around trying to rest up. But I might like a job in a nice hot climate so I don't feel the weather change. Oh, I could get a job at a weather network!

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have recently written an expose on closet seniors. You all need to have a look at it and see whats really going down... (please note, this is in no way a desperate plea to get you to have a look at my blog... well okay, maybe it is - please... just this once? Please??)


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