If I can't quit I can't be fired
So yesterday I finally handed in my notice, ( I need to add I do make one fine two weeks notice letter) I have work at Boston Pizza, Cold lake for a year and a half. I have always tried to be half an hour early and come in on days off if ever they need me, stay late, ect..
Well I finally was tired of being everyones chew toy " Joy can do it,what else will she do? she doesn't go to the bar", after a bad panic attack on friday night I realized my life was based on my job and not my job a part of my life.
My friends had stopped calling, for they were tired of getting " sorry joys at work." My family goes on last minute trips that I can never join, for I need to give two weeks notice if needing days off. ( I know most jobs are like that) Working hoildays when everyone was up, compensating by staying up late and then waking up well they are all still in bed.
So Monday morning I handed in my notice, only to have the owner come out a moment later asking me to join her in the office. " Why do you want to leave? Do you have another job? Are you just trying for more money? You can't leave, you are one of my best! I never have a bad word said about you, everyone loves you! I hear only good things about you from customer and worker alike, so why do you want to go?"
So I just laid it out for her, I don't care about money ( I have never tried to make money my life, as long as I can live one day to the next) I'm just tired. Six days a week of serving with maple flag on was getting to be to much, having moody managers that favor one server over another ( who there are friends with ). Knowing I'll do the drity work so they pick on me over the others, sexual harassment ( from workers and customers), ect..
In the end she talked me into staying on, four days a week ( I should have not said I didn't care about the money, my mom told me and she most likely would have given me a raise, and I know she would have...BUT I DON'T CARE!) I can pick the days I want to work each monday... lets see how long that lasts. I might be back to sixs days in no time, why can't I just say no!!!
I did realize today no matter what I do she wouldn't fire me, but everyone knows I'm a Christian so I shouldn't try.
I better get on Jimmy kimmel soon.