Flower Crushing
I was talking with my sister the other day about this friend named Joris we have. Then he called last night, and it got me thinking to share a little about him. Now Joris is such a sweet guy, 29, single and will do just about anything not to be. He has signed himself up to Christian internet dating, been out on dates with the girls he meets on them and has even flown over to different countries to meet these women.
Now it has gotten to us for years why, for such a nice guy things never seem to work out, he has even taken his dates out flying ( he flys a little plane, not a toy one). Grace was telling me this analogy our friend Bill gave for why Joris fails so often, I just loved it because it fits him so well.
She told me to think of his relationships as this: A little boy goes out and finds this beautiful flower, the flower smells wonderful and has so much to offer. Now this little boy picks the flower and is headed home to show his mother, but along the way, the closer he gets the more excited he becomes. Holding the flower harder and harder until he crushes the flower and there is nothing left.
When I heard this, I thought how right the analogy was suited to him. He starts to date a women and then right away is thinking about marriage, or to be fair he just wants to spend all his free time with her, when she's not to sure what to think of him. When he called I said I would write a blog about this, it was not to be mean ( so I hope I'm not coming across in that light) I just like the analogy. Because that just Joris! The Flower Crusher.